Category Archives: vancouver

Last week in Vancouver

Our last week in Vancouver passed in a blur. I thought I would have more time to savour each experience, to say my own personal farewell to the city. However, despite the occasional pang of nostalgia as I rushed about … Continue reading

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Van Dusen Gardens

Autumn is probably my favourite season in Vancouver, so I’m really glad we were able to stay and see the leaves begin to turn, and to experience the incredible light as the days start to get shorter. Walking through fallen … Continue reading

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This weekend we went to see the Canucks play. It was something I had wanted to do since we arrived, and became determined to do after getting swept up in the Stanley Cup finals in June. We managed to get … Continue reading

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My weekend in pictures

We’re having an Indian Summer here in Vancouver, so this weekend was spent savouring the sunshine, and completely ignoring my to do list. We took walks around the neighbourhood stopping off for coffee and lunch, almost all of our meals … Continue reading

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Bard on the Beach

Each summer Bard on the Beach takes place in Vanier park from June to September. Two groups of actors put on four plays all summer, which must make learning your lines incredibly difficult. The plays are put on in huge … Continue reading

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